Beyond Gratitude, The Course for Sacred Living
Have you been looking for a better way to balance work, home, finances, relationships, rest and relaxation, health, creativity, and spirit—and still have time to declutter? Join us on a 6-month exploration to re-create, polish, and shine your life in 2023!
Journey with Azrael Arynn K/Elizabeth Randall, the author of Thrive Beyond Gratitude: Clarity. Abundance. You., as you explore the nine facets of The Life Compass (the “what” of life), in terms of the Golden Pentacle (the “how” of life). Every other week, meet with others on the same path, on Zoom. Azrael and the students in the class will share your successes, help you overcome challenges, and discover how to do life in a more conscious and sacred way.
Schedule: The class meets every other Monday starting on July 17, 2023, from 7- 9 PM MT and continuing through December 4, for a total of 11 classes.
Azrael Arynn KAuthor & Dean of the School of Sacred Living
Azrael Arynn K brings to the Craft her experience as a police officer, race car driver, stockbroker, and architectural designer, as well as a a law degree. She is a talented costume designer and ritualist, and a third degree priestess in the Ladywood Tradition of Wicca.
She is Dean of the School of Sacred Living and is the primary designer of the Ardantane campus.
Azrael met Amber K at a Wicca 101 sponsored by Our Lady of the Woods in 1992 and they were handfasted in 1994 and were legally married in Iowa in 2011. With Amber she has taught many workshops at Pagan festivals and conferences. They have co-written Candlemas, The Heart of Tarot, the award-winning RitualCraft and How to Become a Witch.
She has served as National 2nd Officer for Covenant of the Goddess, and First Officer of Chamisa Local Council of COG.
Her interests include enjoying the outdoors, foxes, travel, mystery novels, collecting pink china, art, watching figure skating, gardening, and all things British.