Wicca 101

Wicca 101

An introduction to the Old Religion, the Craft of the Wise; with history, gods and goddesses, magick and ritual, spiritual practices, customs and traditions, covens and solitaries, cosmology and myths, the Wheel of the Year and more, from experienced Witches. This...
What’s Pagan?

What’s Pagan?

We have grappled with the concept of ‘spirituality.’ In this seminar we take on the concept of ‘P/pagan.’ What does the word mean to you? How do you define or explain being Pagan, or a Pagan? Is Pagan only one of the collection of modern, mostly Western European...
How Does Death Look to You?

How Does Death Look to You?

Carl Jung said much about death and dying, in this seminar we will consider his assertion that every person “ought to have a myth about death, for reason shows [one] nothing but the dark pit into which he is descending.” What is a myth about death? Do we acquire it?...
Imbolc Tales and Traditions

Imbolc Tales and Traditions

Join the authors of Candlemas: Feast of Flames, for ancient festivals of the season, stories of the goddess and saint Brigid, hearthfire magick, customs and rituals special to Brigid, a late-winter guided meditation, and holy day treats for feasting. Usher the winter...