Warrior Dance
In its first cycle of Novice training the Order of Paladins teaches its students about Warrior Dance in its various forms in different cultures. Kerr Cuhulain will teach you about the role of dance in Warrior culture. Learn how to activate elemental energy or call quarters with dance. Learn about self-manifested chi and how to follow the flows of energy around them by “trance dancing” and “blowing in the wind.” Learn about the Capoeira and the Yolŋu balyunmirr. Learn about modern Warrior dances like krumping. Take a crash course in Maori Haka.
Ardantane Members FREE and nonmembers only $10. To register, click here!
Kerr CuhulainWiccan Author
Kerr retired from the Vancouver Police Department in November 2005 after serving 29 years with them. Kerr worked as a police dispatcher for ECOMM for Southwestern BC until retiring from law enforcement in 2013. Kerr has been a Wiccan for 44 years and has been involved in anti-defamation activism and hate crimes investigation for the Pagan community since 1986. Kerr was awarded the Shield of Valor by the Witches League for Public Awareness. Kerr is the author of the Law Enforcement Guide to Wicca, Wiccan Warrior, Full Contact Magick, Witch Hunts, Magickal Self Defense, How To Be Glorious, Modern Knighthood, and The Wizard, with more on the way. Kerr is the former Preceptor General of Officers of Avalon (www.officersofavalon.com), an organization representing Neo-Pagans professionals in the emergency services (police, firefighters, emergency medical technicians). Kerr is currently leader of the Order of Paladins, a Wiccan order of Knights.