Yule Traditions
Rowan will take you on a highly personal tour of Winter Solstice markers around the world and offer suggestions on celebrating this tipping point in the Wheel of the Year as a family or a solitary practitioner. A traditional Pagan Yule celebration focuses on the return of the light and the end of the Dark Time, a time of rest and reflection that ends with the Solstice.
RowanDean of the School of Magick and Witchcraft at Ardantane
Rowan (Laura Liles) has been involved in the Pagan/Wiccan community in northern New Mexico since 1986. A third degree initiate in the Ladywoods tradition, she has taught Magick and Witchcraft extensively at Ardantane, at Merry Meet, Pagan Spirit Gathering (PSG), Magickal Mountian Mabon and Dragonfest. She is the Dean of the School of Magick and Witchcraft.