Social Justice: Pagans and Ableism
What do Haephestus, Odin and Hodr have to teach us about disabilities? In this session focused on social justice, we will explore the concept and manifestations of Ableism both in our society and in our religion. How can pagan leaders make paganism more accessible to people with disabilities? Can our disabled deities help us in this quest? Can pagan myths give us the tools to fight Ableism? E xplore these and other important questions with us in this informative and interactive session.
Jeff NewmanDirector of Community Integration at Community Connections
Jeff Newman is an autistic advocate active at the local, state and national levels. In advocacy, Jeff is currently most active in anti-ableism organizations and campaigns targeting disability services providers, most notably in the Applied Behavior Analysis professions. The focus of these organizations is on biases that normalize exclusion from input into one’s own services and view disability as something negative that needs to be “overcome” or “fixed” through “interventions.” When not working, Jeff is busy skiing and/or chasing his 3 year old neurodivergent toddler.
Maxfield Sparrow
Maxfield Sparrow is an Autistic advocate, activist, and author of several books for and about Autistic people. They have had a life-long involvement with paganism and the mysteries of the earth and sky. Max has been a member of CUUPS since the early 1990s, an initiate of the Ordo Templi Orientis since 1996, and served an apprenticeship in evolutionary astrology with Adam Elenbaas in 2014.
Tara KleineCEO of Community Connections
Tara Kiene is the CEO of Community Connections, a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing opportunities for people with disabilities to live healthy and fulfilling lives in their communities. She writes a monthly column on disabilities activism for the Durango Herald. Her life goal is to reframe society’s perspectives on disabilities and dismantle Ableist structures. Outside the mundane world, she’s an active Ardantane student and member of the Colorado Crow Women coven when she isn’t strumming her ukulele, belly dancing or playing with her pet rabbits.