Salem: New Theories and Research
What historical event would you have loved to witness in person? For Rowan, it is the Salem Witch trials. She shares the basic facts, then delvers into the latest theories and research on what actually happened at Salem. Come join us to learn more about the most studied event in colonial American history.
Rowan has been fascinated by the Salem witch trials for years. She feels that this historical even is rich with both factual and symbolic meaning for modern practitioners of Wiicca and students of American colonial history. Join her to hear the most recent research into the trials, share your opinions about what, exactly happened at Salem.
RowanDean of the School of Magick and Witchcraft at Ardantane
Rowan (Laura Liles) has been involved in the Pagan/Wiccan community in northern New Mexico since 1986. A third degree initiate in the Ladywoods tradition, she has taught Magick and Witchcraft extensively at Ardantane, at Merry Meet, Pagan Spirit Gathering (PSG), Magickal Mountian Mabon and Dragonfest. She is the Dean of the School of Magick and Witchcraft.