Pagan Chant
Tara Keine and other members of the Crow Women will lead this fun evening of pagan chant. We’ll teach a few favorite chants and all sing “together” in a circle of song. Don’t worry—you’ll get to stay muted (otherwise the gods of internet bandwidth will wreak havoc on our timing), so whether you are confident in your voice or not, you can enjoy singing along to these easy-to-learn chants and hopefully sink into that sacred space where only song can take us.
Tara Kiene and other Crow WomenA Capella Choir and Coven
The Crow Women have been an important part of the pagan community in the Rocky Mountain West for many years. They are an a capella choir from Durango, Colorado. They sing songs for rites of passage and other ceremonies in the Goddess tradition. The singers over the years have included: Alane, Anna, Carole, Deb, Donna, Donamarie, Judith, Kiwi, Marilyn, Melanie, Molly, Rebekah, Shannon and Tara. Charlie is our drummer.