Ordo Templi Orientis
Ardantane is excited to offer an overview of Ordo Templi Orientis (the O.T.O.).
This class will cover the history, beliefs, scriptures, and major rituals of the co-fraternal (i.e. accepting all genders), initiatory, magical order and its related arms (the E.G.C. and the A:.A:.). Maxfield Sparrow has had a life-long involvement with paganism and the mysteries of the earth and sky. Max has been a member of CUUPS since the early 1990s, an initiate of the Ordo Templi Orientis since 1996, and served an apprenticeship in evolutionary astrology with Adam Elenbaas in 2014.
Free for Ardantane members, and only $10 for non members. Click here to register!
Maxfield Sparrow
Maxfield Sparrow is an Autistic advocate, activist, and author of several books for and about Autistic people. They have had a life-long involvement with paganism and the mysteries of the earth and sky. Max has been a member of CUUPS since the early 1990s, an initiate of the Ordo Templi Orientis since 1996, and served an apprenticeship in evolutionary astrology with Adam Elenbaas in 2014.