More Celtic Gods and Goddesses: Lugh
Join us for a series of four monthly classes on Celtic deities: Ceridwen of the mystic cauldron; the fierce warrior, the Morrigan; Lugh, Master of All Skills; and Epona, the white mare and goddess of sovereignty. We will discuss their history and legends, aspects and attributes, correspondences to help in spellwork, and finally journey through guided meditations to connect with them. Whether you are new to Celtic Goddesses and Gods or have worked with them before, this class can give you tools and insights to form new connections or deeper connections to the Celtic Pantheon.
2nd Thursday of the month: Cerridwen ~ Feb 11, Morrigan ~ Mar 11, Lugh ~ Apr 8, Epona ~ May 13
Lora Jackson LegareArcheologist & Professor of Anthropology
Lora Jackson Legare has been a practicing Wiccan for 35 years. She is a professional archaeologist, professor of anthropology, and writer. She has led numerous public rituals in southern New Mexico and conducted workshops and classes on developing connections with Celtic Goddesses and Gods, stone magick, and magickal correspondences, and led many guided meditations.