Incense and Herbal Bath Mixtures
Incense and Herbal Bath Mixtures for magical practice. This presentation includes an ingredients list, a set of recipes, and a list of recommended references. Amber Isis will cover working individually and in a group to produce larger amounts of a given incense and or bath mixture as a coven or group activity to decrease individual costs and to share the magical joy of creating and sharing our magical energies and resources for the good of the group.
AmberIsis is a third degree priestess of the West Coast Eclectic Tradition. She is a past High Priestess and elder of Circle of the Winter Moon, based in Albuquerque, NM. She has been a leader in the northern New Mexico pagan community for many years. The brewing of magickal meads and mixtures is a long time interest of hers.
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Amber IsisThird Degree High Priestess
AmberIsis is a third degree priestess of the West Coast Eclectic Tradition. She is a past High Priestess of the Circle of the Winter Moon, based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She has been a leader in the northern New Mexico pagan community for many years.