
How Does Death Look to You?

Carl Jung said much about death and dying, in this seminar we will consider his assertion that every person “ought to have a myth about death, for reason shows [one] nothing but the dark pit into which he is descending.” What is a myth about death? Do we acquire it? Create it? Why? How? What does death look like to you?

We will explore our feelings of fear, and/or comfort with death. We will wonder about the death culture we grew up with, and the one we practice now. Metaphors around the concepts of death, dying and the afterlife will be examined and parsed. Who our helpers are or may be as we move from life to death will also be shared and explored. Join Moonbeam Mage as we aspire to realize a myth that will allow a life in alignment with our instincts around death and dying, rather than in opposition to them.



Feb 03 2023


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: Asia/Singapore
  • Date: Feb 04 2023
  • Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm








  • Moonbeam Mage
    Moonbeam Mage
    Astrologer and Ardantane Faculty

    Moonbeam Mage caught a glimpse of the path that might be some twenty-five years ago. Fifteen years ago she heard herself asserting that she was on that path, and has solidly placed one foot after the other upon it since. In 2010 she found Ardantane and began her pursuit of all that formal training in the Craft could offer. In 2014, she received the Ardantane Level Three, Master of Magick and Witchcraft Certificate.

    In 2010, a simultaneous inspiration brought her back to the study of Astrology. After having left the skills she developed in the 1970s unhoned, a synchronistic opportunity initiated a twofold intention: to be a Witch and an Astrologer. In 2013, she completed the Kepler College Certificate in the Fundamentals of Natal Astrology and in 2014, their Certificate: Moving the Chart in Time.

    In 2013, Moonbeam Mage taught her first course for Ardantane: Astrology for Pagans One. Since then she has continued to teach a series of Astrology courses for Ardantane, including Astrology for Pagans Two and Evolutionary Astrology for Pagans. She has also taught Astrology classes for various local venues, as well as other Craft related topics such as Crystal Allies and Herbal Magick.

    Moonbeam Mage is a first degree initiate in the Ladywood Tradition working within her Florida community to grow the Sacred Pentacle Coven of the Ladywood Tradition.

    In her mundane life, Moonbeam Mage is a Certified Interpreter for the Deaf. She has two grown children who are a constant source of pride and amazement. Her spouse of 30 plus years is the quintessential loyal Leo and the light of her life.

    She received her training as an Interpreter at Gallaudet University and later received her Bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and Linguistics as well as her Master’s degree in Communication from the University of Maine.

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