Ceremonial Circle Casting
The TX Local Council of CoG presents a wide variety of Pagan 101 Classes for the public. Our teachers come from several different traditions among the many member covens and solitaries in our Local Council and provide a new perspective on Pagan/Witchcraft teachings so even long-time practitioners can learn something new! Click here for more information. $5 fee per person, per class requested but not required. No pre-registration required. Join by Google Meet or Join by Phone +1 617-675-4444 PIN: 299 339 213 6550#
Chuck & J'Ann (Circle of the Unicorn)
Chuck Peart is a 3rd degree Isian with Circle of the Unicorn and a McFarland Dianic with Sacred Moon Circle, both member covens of CoG. He has been a member of the Texas Local Council, CoG, since 1994 and has held several national offices. He is a Project Manager for a Direct Mail firm in Dallas and has been in the Direct Advertising sector for over 20 years.
J’Ann is a librarian, a musician, and a Yoga instructor who lives in the Dallas area. She is a Third-Degree High Priestess in two traditions. As an Isian High Priestess, she belongs to Circle of the Unicorn. As a McFarland Dianic, she is a member of Sacred Moon Circle and the High Priestess, life. She has presented workshops at CoG Merry Meet, Goddess Rising and at United Earth Assembly conferences. She has Elder Credentials in CoG and has been an education point person for the Addison Wicca 101 classes for many years now, where she also teaches classes.